Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Accidental Tourist

See more US News from ABC|ABC World News
Every Olympics city seems to have trouble getting everything ready by the time the Games begin, but there's never been stories like the ones coming out of Sochi.  Unfinished venues, bad water, missing roads, etc.  Way to take that payoff, IOC!

Let The Games Begin

 Before the Olympics started, I asked my students to name any of the current Winter Olympians.  Shaun White was the only one any of my classes could name.  That may change after Mikaela Shiffrin gets done in Sochi.  At 18, she's only a year or two older than the students in my class.  My students were impressed with her workout routine--5 hours a day.  Plus, she's very marketable.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

#2 is not bad

Showed my sports marketing students this 60 Minutes clip on Kevin Durant.  Very impressed with his drive and his mother's pushing of him to get better.  Still scratching my head about why his friends from Maryland would move to Oklahoma just to be with him full-time.  How do you get that job?

Monday, January 20, 2014

What Did You Think Was Going To Happen...

when you ask a guy who just broke up the game-winning touchdown pass about the play?  Isn't the whole point of sideline reporters interviewing players and coaches immediately after games to get their emotional take on what just happened?  I don't quite understand the vitriol directed Richard Sherman's way.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Is He Lyin'?

 Showed the 60 Minutes clip of the alleged supplier of steroids to Alex Rodriguez to one of my classes today.  After watching it, neither he nor A-Rod look like paragons of virtue.

I was reading a Deadspin article related to the A-Rod saga and most of the commenters seemed to condone the cheating.  Is that OK now?

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Shake It Off

I showed all of my students the video of Michael Bay walking off the stage at CES when his teleprompter broke.  I asked them to think about what they would do if they were hosting a panel and the guest walked off.

The most shocking thing to me is that as a director, Michael Bay probably makes dozens of decisions on the fly every hour.  It seems like ad libbing a Q&A session would be a million times easier than what Bay does for a living.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Learning Inkscape


Over our (2 week) long Christmas break, I stumbled into Inkscape, which a feee vector graphics editor. I've always wanted to learn about vector graphics and I'm hoping I can pass that on to my future Multimedia classes..assuming I'll teach it again next year.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

An Hour of Code

Our instructional technology head asked for photos and videos of students doing Hour of Code exercises last month.   I figured the number of teachers that would provide video would be small, and I was right: our work was featured in our department's blog.  Yay, us!