Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Classic

I think I've blogged about this before, but "60 Minutes" just replayed this segment of NFL super agent Drew Rosenhaus, and gosh darn it--it's just so good!

What a Joke!

I just saw it's been three weeks since I last posted on my own blog--yikes!  I thought when I moved schools and shed a department head and tech facilitator job that my job would get significantly easier.  Wrong!  Three new/re-written preps are kicking my butt.  January and its one prep glory can't come soon enough!

Anyway, with all this late night work, I stayed up to watch the Seattle-Green Bay MNF game.  What a joke!  It's one thing to say you're protecting the integrity of the Shield by suspending guys left and right; it's another to say that while keeping the real refs off the field for what amounts to pennies in the grand scheme of things.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Failure to Launch?

 I showed the above video to my Strategic Marketing class over the course of two days.  A few things we took away from it:

  1. The founder of Space X was a physics major, not an aerospace guy.  So what you study in school may not be the path you end up on.
  2. If you don't know something, hire the people that do.
  3. Space X had three rockets that failed.  Had the fourth launch been a failure, the company would've folded.  Companies have to take risks.
See what your students think.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Old Spice Muscle Music from Terry Crews on Vimeo.

Thanks to the e-mail from Ad Age, I shared this interactive video with my Strategic Marketing and Multimedia Web Design classes.   All of my students seem to know who Terry Crews is, so there is already a built-in interest factor.

The surprising thing was when I asked my students to play with the video and create their own music.  Only 1-2 kids per class wanted to do this.  I thought more of them would jump on this, but it's probably that typical "I-don't-want-to-possibly-be-embarrassed-in-front-of-my-friends" mindset.  Oh, well, it's your loss.