Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What a Joke!

I just saw it's been three weeks since I last posted on my own blog--yikes!  I thought when I moved schools and shed a department head and tech facilitator job that my job would get significantly easier.  Wrong!  Three new/re-written preps are kicking my butt.  January and its one prep glory can't come soon enough!

Anyway, with all this late night work, I stayed up to watch the Seattle-Green Bay MNF game.  What a joke!  It's one thing to say you're protecting the integrity of the Shield by suspending guys left and right; it's another to say that while keeping the real refs off the field for what amounts to pennies in the grand scheme of things.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Scott! An even better marketing educator you'll be come January! Enjoying your writings! Hope all is going well!
