Sunday, January 20, 2013

Crash & Burn


Our state did a massive overhaul of the sports marketing curriculum this year.  Back in the old days, the state gave us PowerPoints, activities and practice test questions that were very similar to the state-issued final exam.  Final exam scores were good and teachers and students alike were happy.

No longer: now the state gives us a general idea of what we're supposed to teach, along with no PowerPoints nor exam questions.

The result?  My class averaged a 57%, and many other teachers across the state fared no better.  Judging by some of the reactions I've seen online, several of my colleagues are concerned that the bad test scores will depress future enrollment.  I'm not worried about that, but I am at a loss about what to do for the spring.  What do I do differently that will get my test scores higher in June?  I'm not sure that I know yet, or will ever know.  Hopefully, we'll get more support next year.

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