Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Not Adding Up

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Let's try this equation:

Prior domestic violence incidents + Dead girlfriend = Murder

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Anger Management


Once a week, I bring my lecture classes to the computer lab.  It's a break from me having to lecture, and it's a break for my students from having to hear me lecture.  I let my students know what they need to do, and they do it.   It's that simple.

Unless you're my fourth period class this semester.  The first time I took them to the computer lab, I had two faculty members come to the lab to ask my students to keep the noise down.  Embarrassing, but not  the worst thing that's happened during a computer lab day to me.

That was on Wednesday.  I had one (or several) students throwing staples and other assorted things across the room.  After 5 or 6 times, I told them if it happened again, we were leaving the computer lab to go back to the classroom.

It happened again. I had not been that furious in a long time.  The next day, one of my students told me I was so mad my lip was quivering.  I had my students write three paragraphs--one about being a professional, one about following rules and one about how to improve the behavior of the class.  The suggestions I got back were actually fairly reasonable.  Most of them involved sending kids to the principal's office quicker.  Maybe I should try that.  No matter what, things have to change in that class.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Lyin' Like It's 1999

Oh, how the mighty have fallen!  Lance Armstrong goes from one of the most admired people in sports history to a complete pariah in less than two years, and he may not be done.

It was interesting to watch the clip above with my students.  Many of them took the side of Armstrong, explaining away his cheating and making snarking comments about the head of the US Anti-Doping Agency.  It's almost like it's OK to cheat...wait a minute--it is!  Right?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Not Holding My Breath

These guys (and girls) are crazy.

That is all.

Is There Any Help?

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Sad news about Mindy McCready's suicide over the weekend.  I remember her hit "Guys Do It All The Time" back in the mid-'90s.  Like I told my classes, it's hard to maintain that kind of success.

That being said, it's heartbreaking that there are so many people with mental health issues that don't get the help they need.  McCready clearly had issues for years; even a stint in rehab didn't help.  Having a fiance die in the same house a month earlier obviously wasn't optimal, either.

It's too bad there's not an easy test for people to take where they could find the help they need based on the score they get.  It's never that simple, though, especially where the brain is involved.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


When I moved schools and changed schedules and classes and all, I was wondering if the projects I was doing at my old school could be done at my new one.

The only way to know for sure is to just try, so we did a couple of weeks ago.  I had been producing a sports interview show for four years, so I wanted to continue to do that.  The video above is our first effort, but I think we're going to get better!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Without Limits

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How much exercise should pre-teens get?  The Rock Center clip from above tells the story of a 10-year-old girl and a 12-year-old girl who do extreme running, including marathons.

They don't train during the week, and often run two races a weekend (!).  Their father seems to be the typical "Little League Dad," but both girls seem happy.  One thing's for sure:  I definitely feel fat!

They're Not Real...Or Spectacular

I showed my students this piece about counterfeit NFL jerseys.  I knew that they are out there, of course, but I thought fake jerseys were confined mainly to the outside of football stadiums.  I should've figured that some counterfeiters have their own websites that look remarkably like the site.

It's a given that counterfeiting is wrong, but $200 for a jersey does seem a bit much.  Just as a 20-year-old CD shouldn't cost $17.99.  Some of these pricing decisions push consumers away from the real product and to a knockoff at a quarter of the price.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bizarre

Well, that wasn't the Super Bowl I was expecting.

Growing up in the '80s, the game was a steady diet of blowouts.  The games were often over by halftime and this was looking to turn out the same way.  Who would have thought that a 35 minute power outage would breath new life into the 49'ers and make a game out of a game that looked like it was going to be a colossal bore.

The same praise can't be given to the commercials, however.  Other than the Paul Harvey/Dodge Ram ad, the spots were underwhelming as a whole.  There's only so many celebrities/talking babies/GoDaddy concepts out there.  I hope that next year, the ads are as good as the game.