Saturday, February 23, 2013

Anger Management


Once a week, I bring my lecture classes to the computer lab.  It's a break from me having to lecture, and it's a break for my students from having to hear me lecture.  I let my students know what they need to do, and they do it.   It's that simple.

Unless you're my fourth period class this semester.  The first time I took them to the computer lab, I had two faculty members come to the lab to ask my students to keep the noise down.  Embarrassing, but not  the worst thing that's happened during a computer lab day to me.

That was on Wednesday.  I had one (or several) students throwing staples and other assorted things across the room.  After 5 or 6 times, I told them if it happened again, we were leaving the computer lab to go back to the classroom.

It happened again. I had not been that furious in a long time.  The next day, one of my students told me I was so mad my lip was quivering.  I had my students write three paragraphs--one about being a professional, one about following rules and one about how to improve the behavior of the class.  The suggestions I got back were actually fairly reasonable.  Most of them involved sending kids to the principal's office quicker.  Maybe I should try that.  No matter what, things have to change in that class.

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