Sunday, August 25, 2013

180 To Go


Monday is our first day of school.  We had five days of workdays, and that still wasn't enough time to get ready.  I had electricians in my room all day the first day I came back to school, then had furniture delivered on Friday, right as I was about to go to our football game.  Right now, I have no computer or printer hooked up in my room, so I had to spend Sunday night printing Monday's material--on my dime!

This is the most prepared I've been content-wise since I've started teaching.  Both the preps I have this fall are for classes I taught last year, so I don't have to do any daily scrambling to have something ready to go for class.  In the spring, I'll have to teach the regular marketing class for the first time, but I won't worry about that until Christmas break.

Other than not having working computers, the only thing I'm not looking forward to this week is having giant classes.  In the spring, my principal told me my department barely avoided the chopping block, yet I have 30 kids in both my sports marketing classes.  Huh?  If my classes are bursting at the seams, then where is the problem?  My career high for students in a class is 29; I hope something happens this week that keeps me from breaking that record.

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