Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lamentations, Teacher Style

From: Microsoft Clip Art Gallery

I witnessed one of my colleagues crying in frustration at lunch over the behavior of a student we both share. It seems like more teachers at our school are complaining about student discipline than ever before (even though we lead the county in suspensions). I have a class of my own that frustrates me on a daily basis.

There seems to be two sides to the discipline issue: the teachers want a law-and-order environment, and the students, administrators and school board want to sweep discipline under the rug. The students don't want to be hassled, and the higher ups want a nice shiny graduation rate.

I've thought about this situation a lot (OK, maybe daily), and I think there are some things we need to implement:
*Students pay their own tuition after four years (no more redshirt seniors)
*Set a maximum amount of suspensions before permanent removal from school
*Once students get sent to an alternative school, don't send them back to the old school
*Parent conferences with chronic offenders--no school until the parent comes in

Every student should have an education, but they don't have the right to disrupt the education of others.

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