Saturday, February 11, 2012

What a Week!


When I first started teaching, I heard a lot of complaints about teaching to the test, numerous outside-of-the-class burdens, etc.  Those things really didn't bother me at first--I didn't know better.  But I became increasingly frustrated this week with all of the duties that have popped up in recent years:

*Professional Learning Communities (1 hour per week)
*Professional Development Plan (several times a year)
*Common Core Essential Standards (3 teacher workdays)
*CTE Completer surveys (a barrage of phone calls)
*NC Falcon (not even sure how much time this is going to take)

I'm sure most of this is in response to the dropout rate/test scores/etc., but I'm not sure how much of this makes me a better teacher.  I've gotten almost nothing out of the above list that gives me tools to use in the classroom, and blaming me for the test scores of kids that have 30-50 absences per semester is liking blaming a doctor for his tobacco-using patient's acquisition of lung cancer.

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