Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Teach, or Else

From: teachinginterview.com

I opened up our local paper on Sunday to see a front page story on our state senate leader's effort to take away teacher tenure and put everyone on one year contracts.  Two thoughts on this:

  1. Do other state employees work on one year contracts?  Troopers, bureaucrats, etc.  If not, why not? 
  2. Is a one year contract going to make teachers work harder?  I'm guessing that's the reasoning behind this effort--a perception that teachers get comfortable with a guaranteed-for-life job.  I will anyone that no contract will make me work harder than I already am:  seven days a week for ten months, plus work over the summer (for free).
As a political conservative, I'm disappointed that Republicans in our state think that the way to make education better here is to cut spending and blame teachers.

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