Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Is It That Hard?

From: egusd.net

Is it THAT hard to get to school on time?  I live 25 minutes from school and get to work about an hour before the first bell.  My students live in the same zip code and get to school when they feel like it--with Chick-Fil-A in hand.

Some of my first period students have racked up nearly ten tardies.  On one day alone last week, six of my ten first period kids were late to class.

Apparently, tardies are an issue that nearly every school has.  My current school, my last school, my principals' previous schools, etc.  The high school I attended, however, didn't have that problem.  Why?  Because nine tardies were an automatic F.  Of course, you can't do that nowadays--it would repress somebody.  But are committed to having students come on time or not?  I think I already know the answer.

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