Monday, September 30, 2013

Bad Math


At my first school, I generally would have one bad class and two good ones each semester.  One of the reasons I changed schools last year is to get better kids, but five weeks into my third semester at school #2 I have found the ratio to be two bad classes for every good one.

I'm not really liking that math.  I just turned 40, which means I would have to teach 20 more years to get full retirement.  I don't use the word "can't" much, but I know I can't teach that long.  I'm not sure I can last to the end of my National Board certification, which ends in 7 years.

And yes, it is the usual reasons: I'm burned out from working all the time for kids who are disrespectful.  I've had good jobs outside of teaching before, and if this economy ever turns around, I'll be taking hard look at them, even it comes with a pay cut.

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