Friday, October 14, 2011

Eeeeevil Technology


I swear I am at my wit's end with being a technology facilitator. Asking a teacher to do this job part-time is a recipe for disaster. At every other job I've had, there has been someone that works full-time on tech (and is very good at it). Heck, even when I started teaching, our school had a full-time tech person. When I look around the room while at our technology facilitator meetings, I see full-time techs giving part-time techs instructions on how to get tasks done. For all the talk about 21st century teachers and 21st century students, we sure don't seem to be making much of a commitment for supporting that idea.

What got me started on this rant was having to set up an LCD projector and laptop for our guidance department. Simple, right? Well, it is...until you have to ask teachers to take those items out of their classrooms in order for that presentation to happen. Are you telling me that our school can't afford to have a set-up that we can roll out of the front office for things like that? Why should teachers have to give up their equipment during class time for this?! I also have a general level of frustration with being a technology facilitator due to my own ignorance--I seem to be batting about .300 when it comes to getting things fixed.

If there's a way to get fired as a tech support person and stay as a full-time teacher, I'm all ears!

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