Sunday, November 6, 2011



I love college football, more than any other sport, but some of these scandals are getting out of hand. It's bad enough to hear about what's been going on at Ohio State, UNC and Miami--at least those schools were doing what they were doing in pursuit of winning. But the allegations coming out of Pennsylvania concerning Joe Paterno's long-time former assistant assaulting young boys for decades are enough to make anyone's stomach curl.

There are already calls for Joe Paterno's head.  Hey, why not?  People think he doesn't coach anymore anyway, and there have been calls for his retirement for over 10 years.  But based on this incident?  I'm not sure.  According to the allegations, a graduate assistant told Paterno he saw the coach in question, Jerry Sandusky, performing sexual acts with a youngster.  Paterno reported the allegations to his boss.  After that, what was he supposed to do?

People may think that's a cop out, but I'm wondering what would happen if I reported a similar incident to the appropriate people...and nothing happened.  Am I responsible for the ultimate disposition of the case?

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