Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Still Don't Understand Band Hazing

I was shocked to hear about the drum major from Florida A&M's marching dying, apparently after a hazing incident.  The video above is what we talked about in class.

In one of the sociology courses I took in college, we studied hazing.  I understand the basic theory behind it: hazing is something that makes people think that the group is worth joining and it also builds camaraderie.  Lots of organizations do it--the military, fraternities and sororities, sports teams, etc.   What I don't understand is how hazing made its way to marching bands.  Aren't these kids, on average, smarter and more well-behaved than the average college kid?

I hope that FAMU can get the band back together and put the hazing in the past, but I'm not sure that's possible, especially since the video showed that 30 out of the 100 band members were involved in some kind of hazing in the group.

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