Sunday, January 29, 2012

Workin' It, EduBlogs!

From: my blog

I had started using EduBlogs at the beginning of the school year with the intent of having my Sports Marketing I students use to write their own blogs, instead of just commenting on mine.  That didn't work out the way I hoped--I never even got student blogging off the ground last semester.

This semester, I jumped right in and had my Sports Marketing II students try their hand at blogging during our first week of class.  The result so far:  phenomenal!  I thought it would take my charges about 2-3 weeks before they got the hang of blogging, but they're even quicker studies than I thought.  It was definitely one of those moments that only teachers get.

What went right?  Several things:
  • These students had read a year's worth of blogs from me last year, so they were at least familiar with the concept.
  • I have a small class (10 students), so it's easier to ride herd on them and get them started.  Don't think they would get blogging this quick if I had to explain it to 25.
  • Nearly all of the students in the class are super sports fans, and are very eager to share their opinions, which is great for an online discussion.

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