Monday, December 31, 2012

Thoughts on 2012


There's less than two hours left in 2012: how did we do?

I would divide my year in two.  I spent my spring semester at one school, teaching two class, working as the school's IT guy and being a department head.  The teaching part was relatively easy.  For the first time in my teaching career I was teaching material I had taught before, and I was in a computer lab.  The hard part was being the IT person: I was constantly bombarded with requests to fix things and I often had no idea about what to do...very frustrated.

Over the summer, I switched schools to have a little shorter commute (and hopefully, better students).  I went back to teaching full-time (3 classes), which I hadn't done in three years.  I found myself as busy as I was during my first year of teaching.  I had three preps, and every class was new to me or had new curriculum.

Things that have gone well:
  • Final project assignments
  • Teaching photo editing
  • Motivating students to shoot video
Things I could have done better:
  • DECA sponsor
  • IT guy
  • Teaching writing
  • Incorporating reading
This list is by no means exhaustive, but it comes to mind the most quickly.  Later, I'll ruminate about what my goals for 2013 should be.

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