Tuesday, December 25, 2012

You Don't Know Bo

Right before the Christmas break, I showed my students the ESPN documentary on two sport star Bo Jackson.  The video probably held their interest longer than nearly all of the ones I've shown in class this semester.

Bo Jackson was getting hugely popular when I was in high school.  I remember the tackle that ended his NFL career happened my senior year of high school.  He was definitely a marketing force when it came to cross-trainers.

It was interesting that so much of the video revolved around stories of Bo doing something remarkable. I remembered a few myself: the Monday Night Football game versus the Seahawks, the home run to lead off the All-Star Game, breaking a bat over his knee and gunning down Harold Reynolds at the plate.  Bo was definitely the shooting star--moments of brilliance, but a career that was way too short.  Of course, some of my kids wanted to know if he was in the Hall of Fame--I guess that's the highlight-infused culture we live in today...

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