Sunday, February 6, 2011

Disney Does It Again

From: The Beauty and the Beast On Tour blog

Last summer, my wife and I took our daughter to Disney World. It was the first time I'd been there since my early teens, and I definitely have a different perspective on Disney since getting this sports & entertainment marketing teaching gig.

The most impressive thing about Disney World to me was the consistent level of outstanding customer service. No matter what the employee or the job, they all a positive glow about them. Definitely great for brand building.

Since our trip to Disney World, our family has experienced other Disney productions all over the region: Mary Poppins on tour in Charlotte, Disney on Ice in Roanoke and, last night, Beauty and the Beast in Greensboro. Every production we've been to has had tremendous production values. Extending the Disney brand out to plays and performances away from a Disney park can be risky, but every experience we've had so far has had the level of quality I've expected from any Disney venture.

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