Saturday, February 5, 2011

To Quit or Not to Quit

From: Andrew Hindes, North Forsyth Sports & Entertainment Marketing II student

One of the things I think that separates successful people from non-successful people is their reaction to adversity. Successful people get challenged and find a way to adapt and/or overcome that challenge. Unsuccessful people get challenged and quit.

We see this all the time at our school, to the point it's sadly become part of the school culture. Struggle in a class--quit. Don't like a coach--quit. Hate school--quit.

So it's awesome to see our basketball team play a tough game without quitting. Down by 8 with less than four minutes to go, we came back and beat our toughest conference rival. I'm excited about this because it doesn't always happen here--the readiness to quit in the classroom often extends to the athletic field here, so I'm proud to see a group of students at our school take a tough situation and grind it out to a successful conclusion. I hope it carries over to the classroom!

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