Monday, February 7, 2011

Great game! Everything else, meh...

From: Sports Illustrated

Remember those Super Bowls in the mid to late '80s, which were always over by halftime? We've been fortunate that the game itself has lived up to the hype for the most part over the last ten years.

Super Bowl XLV was indeed a close game, not decided until a minute to go. However, that seemed to be the only good part about Super Bowl Sunday.

FOX's pregame show--panned. Christina Aguilera's rendering of the National Anthem--wrong lyrics. Commercials--hit or miss, mostly unmemorable. The halftime show--universally panned. Fans who lost their seats because of mistakes made by the NFL and Jerry Jones--unforgivable.

I never thought I'd say this, but it would be nice for the things surrounding the game to live up to the game itself.

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