Thursday, February 10, 2011

FX Does It Right

Being a network programming chief is a tough job. Greenlight too many bad shows, and you'll quickly be shown the door. Pressure, pressure, pressure. And some networks (ABC ten years ago, NBC now) go through a rough skid of having show after show fail.

That being said, FX does an awesome job of putting great shows on the air. In the last several years, take a look at their lineup:

The Shield
(my favorite show ever!)
Sons of Anarchy
Rescue Me
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Terriers (RIP!)
Lights Out
Justified (my favorite show currently on TV, premiered tonight)

Being a small cable network does have its advantages--you can target a small, dedicated audience rather than the shoot for the vast audiences the broadcast nets have to appeal to. Even so, small networks like FX have their chance to fail. FX, however, seems to have dialed in how to appeal to their audience.

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