Friday, April 22, 2011

Bud Selig, Batting .500

From: The Los Angeles Times

I've never been a fan of Bud Selig, with interleague play, removing the distinction between the NL and AL (except for the DH rule, of course), the All-Star Game fiasco in Milwaukee, the owning a team while being interim commissioner and expanded playoffs. Wait, what?

There are murmurings that MLB will be expanding the playoffs again. One of the reasons I like baseball is that it used to be you had to be first to get to the postseason, unlike other professional sports. I've been deadset against the wildcard since they started that in '95. Please, Bud, there's too many teams in already! Make the regular season count for something!

On the other hand, I have to give Selig kudos for taking control of the Dodgers this week. That's a bold move considering that all of these owners have a very special fraternity. The McCourts must've really screwed up to make Bud do this. I guess it makes MLB mad when you go behind the commissioner's back to get a loan to make payroll.

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