Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Long Reach of UNC


I know I should expect Carolina to be everpresent in any store in North Carolina, but I don't understand what I've seen on my recent trip to Tennessee.

Wednesday night, we pull into a gas station in Monterey. While I'm waiting for my girls to come out of the bathroom, I check out the Pez dispensers with the football on top. They have three schools to choose from: Michigan, Ohio State and... UNC?! Give me a break! I'm in Tennessee and UT isn't one of the choices.

On Saturday night, while headed back home, we stop at a gas station in Crossville. While I'm waiting for my girls to come out of the bathroom, I check out the merchandise. Now, this store has several shelves devoted to Volunteer gear (as expected), but when I look at their hat rack, the first two caps I see are Penn State and...UNC! Then I look on the wall, and there's a poster of hats: UT and...UNC! I don't get it, at least in Tennessee. Are the Tar Heels really that popular around here?

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