Thursday, April 28, 2011

Nobody Loves You


My standard response when I see a cell phone: "Put your cell phone away--nobody loves you!" I've taken phones, deducted points, sent kids to detention, everything. Yet, students still use phones in class, taking calls from parents, even.

So I had mixed feelings when I saw a post from a blog I follow about using cell phones as part of the curriculum. It seems like a give-up play to me: we've decided that since we can't stop, we're going to kowtow to the students. I also think districts would run into problems with the kids that don't have cell phones, period. What do those kids do?

It's gotten to the point that the Boston Globe published an article about the problem of phones and laptops in college classrooms. Yes, it's great to be connected, but I can't imagine teaching a class and getting eye contact from 20% of my students.

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