Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gentlemen, Place Your Bets

I showed my students the video above about gambling on youth football. People in the video talked about bets of $20K on youth football games--yikes! Many of my students said rather matter-of-factly that bets go on during our local youth games here in town. That doesn't surprise me, but I'm still not sure why people would put so much of their money on 8-year-olds, who we all know are never full of surprises! Aren't there enough college football and NFL games to bet on?

One student didn't understand why people were making such a big deal out of gambling. It was nice to see that the rest of the class corrected him, letting him know that gambling is, in fact, illegal.

One part of the video that generated a lot of reaction was an interview with a coach who claimed he never gambled on games. After he was shown video of exchanges he made with other gamblers, the coach was near the point of tears with shame. I wonder if he would have continued to lie had he not been shown the video...

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