Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I showed this "60 Minutes" video to my classes today regarding Lance Armstrong and doping. Lance has passed 500 drug tests without a fail, but now is weathering allegations from former teammates Tyler Hamilton and George Hincapie that he did, in fact, drug it up to win all those Tour de France titles.

One of my buddies and former co-workers is a huge cycling fan, so I was familiar with all the names in this story. Our class had an interesting discussion about Hamilton's motivations and veracity in the video. Bottom line, I think he's telling the truth as he knows it, albeit at gunpoint (i.e. federal subpoena). Whether all of these allegations hurt Armstrong remain to be seen. I wonder if the public will be as cynical about Armstrong as they seem to be about the baseball sluggers of the late '90s.

Does LiveStrong mean anything anymore?

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