Thursday, May 19, 2011

Think Before You Speak

I saw this commercial during an NBA game, which makes sense since their are multiple NBA players in it. Basically, it encourages the viewer to avoid using the phrase "that's gay." That phrase, and variations of it, are bandied about frequently in my class, despite my attempts to stop it.

No one will ever mistake me for a gay rights activist, but it's interesting to observe my students and their attitudes on the subject. On one hand, we have several openly gay students (and couples) that don't seem to be bothered or bullied. On the other hand, stories about LL Cool J's alleged tryst with a transsexual freak them out--so, which is it?

I'm not sure how this campaign is going to pan out, but there seems to be a lot of talk lately about this issue, from Charles Barkley in particular. At the very least, I'd love to see it change what's said in my class.

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