Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Common Core Exposed?


Our district devoted 3 days (18 hours) of training last year to Common Core standards.  I feel like I got off easy--our elementary teachers had to endure 54 hours of it.

It's not that I'm against Common Core standards per se.  There's always going to be some buzzword that will have administrators chasing their tails, as well as ours.  It's just that, after 18 hours of this training, plus more at our school, I really couldn't tell you what Common Core is all about.  It seems like most of our time was spent talking about how CTE already does the stuff that Common Core requires.  We ended up spending a lot of time working on our classes, which was fine, but it makes me wonder what good all of this does us.

Enter the story in the Washington Post this week:  a good indictment of the whole Common Core program.

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