Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Next Event: Olympic-Level Whining

From: buzzbox.com

It's been great to sit at home during the day and check out the odd judo or rowing event on NBC's Olympics, whether it's been on NBC itself or Bravo/MSNBC/NBCSports.  Apparently, some people are upset because they're not seeing the big sports (swimming, gymnastics) live during the day and have to wait for NBC's prime time wrap-up special.

NBC is an easy target: they have consistently finished last place in the ratings for some time now.  And for them, the Olympics is a big chance to make some money before their new fall TV shows get embarrassed again.  Despite the complaints, it appears that NBC has made the right decision with their tape-delayed broadcasts.  The ratings are through the roof right now, and if there is another Michael Phelps-type story, all the better.

My only complaint: why not show everything live during the day, and then do your recap at night?  The people working during the day will watch the prime time coverage anyway (I think).

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