Monday, August 6, 2012

I Could've Had a V8!

If you remember that classic tagline from the late '70s/early '80s, people were slapping themselves in the head for not having a V8.

That commercial came to mind this week.  I'm switching schools, so I had to turn my laptop in to my old school, leaving me with no access to PowerPoint.  I have a lot of PowerPoints I need to create, as well as switch slides around from one file to another.

Enter OpenOffice.  I've spent all summer spinning my wheels, waiting to get my hands on a laptop with PowerPoint installed.  I put OpenOffice on my computer yesterday, and viola!  Back in business.  The irony is that I have recommended OpenOffice to many students over the years that have lacked Microsoft Office software.

Could've had a V8, indeed...

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