Monday, August 27, 2012



I had planned on blogging about Lance Armstrong, or Neil Armstrong...but, school's about to start!

This is the least prepared I've felt for the start of school year since my first year.  What's wrong with me?  This is my seventh year doing this!  Even my daughter's not nervous about starting the year.

Why do I not feel prepared?  Let me count the ways:

  1. I have three preps for the first time ever, and every class is new.
  2. I'm at a new school.
  3. I'm not teaching in a computer lab for two of my classes.
  4. I'm in charge of the biggest DECA chapter in my county, and I've never been good at leading that club.
It's time to pray I can make.  I know I've got the first day's activities down--now it's trying to figure out what to do with the other 89 days this semester!

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