Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Carolina Way?

It's been a stressful two years for UNC athletics, and it doesn't look like things are going to get better anytime soon.  Two years after Marvin Austin's tweets sent the 2010 and 2011 football seasons in disarray, more bad news has come out: the Julius Peppers transcript.

Carolina has already had its hand slapped by the NCAA once, but that was for transgressions that occurred after 2007.  Now it seems that the academic fraud goes back to at least 2001.  Things are so bad even a former governor has been put on the case to investigate the full extent of this mess.

I'm not shocked that athletes pursue easy majors and take easy classes--they have insanely busy schedules in college, and I'm sure many are there for the primary purpose of playing ball.  What boggles my mind is the low GPAs required to play.  I thought only high schools were slack about eligibility standards, but when a school with the academic reputation of UNC allows athletes to play for years with a sub-2.0 GPA, it makes me scratch my head.

The Carolina Way, indeed...

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