Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What I Learned From Watching the Olympics

I watched more Olympic events in the last two weeks than I had since high school.  Why?  Probably because it was something both my daughter and I were interested in (and had time to watch).  All the Olympics-viewing I did gives me the knowledge to actually know what everyone else is talking about, Olympics-wise.  Here's what I learned:

  • Millions of people don't care that things were tape-delayed, so shut up with all the #NBCFail whining.  Unless you're someone with infinite loads of free time in the summer (like me), you couldn't watch the Olympics until after work anyway.
  • China's sports system is heinous to its athletes.  Even worse than what the Soviets and Eastern Bloc countries did.
  • The NBCSports channel may actually work.  I saw several promos for shows about the NFL, MLB and the NHL.  It'd be nice to go somewhere other than ESPN for sports news and analysis.
  • The tennis on Bravo was better than any of the lame reality shows they normally run.
  • The Brits are really good at cycling, and I didn't realize how many forms of it there are.
  • We got shut out in sailing medals for the first time in decades.  I didn't realize that sailing and all of its various forms were Olympic events.
Will I watch the next Olympics?  We'll see--no one in our house actually does the sports they do.

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