Thursday, August 9, 2012

Raising the Bar


I had a chance to listen to ESPNU's College Football podcast this week, and they spent the whole show on the upcoming changes to initial eligibility for the incoming class that graduates high school in 2016 (aka this year's 9th grade class).

It was shocking (in a good way) to hear that the NCAA was requiring a 2.3 GPA for core classes.  Also, students also have to complete 10 of the 16 core classes prior to their senior year, which keeps them from sleepwalking for three years and then making a mad dash during their senior year to get eligible.  You can read about the new requirements in their entirety here.

After taking a look at some of my students' GPAs, I think the new rules are a good thing.  Students that can't possibly have a 2.0 are playing football and basketball for four years in high school with the expectation that they can play in college.  Meanwhile, there are teachers, guidance counselors and administrators that enable these kids to play.  I hope the new NCAA standards force those of us at the high school level to be honest about who's participating on our fields and who's not.  Maybe even let us add a "plus" to a grade, even!

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