Saturday, July 14, 2012

Failure to Lead


With the recently released Freeh Report, all college football fans (and Americans in general) have yet another example of leaders failing to lead.

One of the core leadership principles I learned in the Marine Corps is to know your troops and look out for their welfare.  In the Penn State case, the welfare of the victims was obviously of low or no priority to the president, athletic department administrators and Joe Paterno.   It became clear after the report that the senior staff knew Jerry Sandusky was being investigated by the cops all the way back in 1998.  So when an assistant coach tells you in 2001 that he catches the same guy in a shower with a kid, you're supposed to...what?  Tell him not to do it again?

To the leaders at Penn State, it's very apparent that the reputation of the school and the football program was of greater importance than the well-being of the victims of Jerry Sandusky.  Shame on those men for failing to act.  It's too bad that Joe Paterno has already passed--he could join his fellow "leaders" in prison when the time comes.

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