Saturday, June 22, 2013

End of the Year Musings


What did I learn this year?

  1. Be mean (aka take cell phones).  The phones were out of control this year, to the point of kids taking videos of outbursts in my class.  Next year, there's going to be a cell phone jail.
  2. Teaching three new classes in one semester will drive one crazy.
  3. Kids are kids.  I left my old school to get to a better one, but I still dealt with the crazies (and not as many smart kids--they took the AP courses).
  4. Administrative support makes a difference.  It was rare that one or more principals was not on my hall during class change.  And they actually enforced most of the rules!
  5. Some parents correct their children's behavior.  I didn't think I was ever going to see that one.

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