Monday, June 10, 2013

What a Waste


So we are about to finish our testing period, which took 11 days to complete.  We started with some English II common exams before Memorial Day, and then kept testing and testing and testing.  We've been testing so long that the seniors have already graduated...and we're still testing.

These last two days of school have been for makeup exams only; athletes that can't afford to miss any more days are around, too.  Other than that, our school is empty.  I had four of my students today, which was great, but...we still ran ALL of the busses we would for a normal school day.  Even if the bus had NO students on it, it still had to make its rounds.  The cafeteria workers still had to fire up the school lunch machinery and we still got paid for a full day of "teaching."

Is there not a better way to do testing?  Do we really need 11 days of testing when most kids only have 4-5 classes?

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