Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How to Prepare Students For The Workplace

From: youngupstarts.com

By the time students have spent 18 weeks with me, I want them to pick up employable skills above anything else.  So I read this article with interest about how schools are not preparing students for the workplace.

The employers in the article made some interesting points about how important soft skills are in their fields, and I would agree.  In fact, it seems like most of the problems I encounter with student behavior is their stunning lack of the aforementioned soft skills, like being on time, keeping promises and making eye contact; you know, the little stuff.

The article did disappoint me when it mentioned the "21st century" skills our students need to have.  None of the skills listed struck me as ones a worker didn't need to have in the 20th century.  Collaboration, for example, is not a new concept.  Oh, well: at least others are thinking about soft skills having the same importance that I attach to them.

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