Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mad As Hell


I've never been one of those "woe-is-me" teachers (or employees) who thinks everything in the world is awful.  In fact, I've been able to keep myself relatively sane by focusing on the positive aspects of my job.

  • Only two raises in the last seven years?  At least I've got a job!
  • Really crappy class?  At least I don't have to deal with them during the summer!
  • Spend too many hours working? At least I get to talk about sports in class!
But now my state legislature has gone too far: they are taking away the financial bonus for having a master's degree.  In my case, it's going to be a pay cut of more than $5K.  How am I supposed to be motivated to remain in teaching when my salary takes a significant hit, the students behave increasingly worse and the pressure to have good test scores increases.  What's the incentive to stay when the situation gets increasingly worse?

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