Sunday, July 24, 2011

The 27 Club

Returning home from a night out, I caught the crawl on CNN about Amy Winehouse's death. It got me to thinking that there are different levels of surprise about a celebrity's death: Shocked!, Really?, That's Too Bad, [Person] Was Still Alive? and others.

Amy Winehouse's death falls into the category "Not Surprised." Given the video above (her last concert, in Belgrade), it was clear that whatever rehab program she was in was not working. Another sad case of a talented rocker/musician passing at the age of 27 (Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain).

Winehouse's talent and propensity to make appearances in the tabloids were well known. I've never understood the lure of illegal drubs--why not stick to alcohol? Anyway, for the pro-legalization crowd, is this what we want? People to have unfettered access to lethal drugs? Too many wasted lives already...

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