Friday, July 8, 2011

So what?

I thought we were done with all the Ohio State drama, but I had forgotten there are still punishments to mete out. One preemptive step for offending schools is to vacate wins, which Ohio State did today. The school vacated all 12 wins from their 12-1 season from 2010, including their Sugar Bowl win over Arkansas.

1) When did we go from forfeiting to vacating wins? Forfeiting means the other team gets the victory (which we still do at the high school level); vacating just means to give back the wins, not affecting the won-loss record of the team you cheated to beat.

2) This punishment's not enough. As mentioned before, some schools will punish themselves prior to the NCAA's ruling, in order to say that they've learned their lesson and don't need additional penalties--I suppose it's like spanking yourself. Giving back wins doesn't really mean anything. Unless Ohio State is willing to give up scholarships or handcuff its program-building in other ways, the vacating of wins is worthless.

3) If I were on the board of trustees, or a major donor to the university, I would insist that Gordon Gee, the president, has to go. This is a guy that unnecessarily provoked non-BCS schools last year, at one point joked with the media that he hoped Jim Tressel wouldn't fire him and then insisted that Tressel would pay a $250K fine. Except that today Gee announced that the school would pay the fine, as well as pay Tressel $50K+ to "retire" at the end of June. How can a man that's so clearly star-struck by the athletics at his university continue to lead it?

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