Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Going to Summer Conference

From: greensborodailyphoto.com

Every year, our state CTE office holds a summer conference, which is only one county over from me. It's convenient to get to, and I pick up lots of good information every year. Plus, I've got to present my own stuff a couple of times.

After I finished my first year of teaching, a few of my colleagues talked about skipping the conference. In fact, I think at least two of the people I worked with (since retired) didn't go for the three years we worked together.


The older teachers would tell me that the conference was good for me because there was a lot to learn. True dat. For themselves, however, they said the conference tended to repeat the same classes/sessions over and over, year to year.

If that's true, I haven't seen it in the four years I've been going. And even if that was the case, then it may be time to hop into some other sections. I've enjoyed jumping around from business to marketing to tech ed sessions--there's always some new software or technology that vendors show off; those are the most interesting sessions to me. And with the pilot courses and Revised Bloom's Taxonomy effect on classes, it tells me there's a lot of stuff to learn at summer conference, even for experienced teachers.

Moral of the story: go to your summer conference!

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