Monday, September 5, 2011

Cell Phones, Again


My favorite sports talk radio host, Steve Czaban, blows it up in regards to cell phones and teenagers. One year, one of my freshmen told me she was already on her fourth cell phone!

Since cell phones have begun popular, I've seen people pay more attention to what's on their phone than anything around them, including me, when I'm trying to teach.

I could go on and rant about this (and I'm sure you could, too), but I'll let my man Czabe close this post out about the "benefits" of giving teenagers cell phones:

- You can then start calling your new teenage boyfriend at any time, from anywhere, without your parents knowing anything about it.
- You can discuss when and where to lose your virginity together.
- You can text him naked pictures of yourself that will be used later for internet humiliation, retaliation, blackmail, and perhaps lead to suicide.
- You can become a self-absorbed Facebook generation dope, with little intellectual curiosity or awareness outside your social media "bubble."
- You now have a phone number where internet predators can reach you directly, at any time.
- You can text while driving, and possibly kill yourself and your friends.

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