Thursday, September 15, 2011

We're Going to Write Right, Right?


Every year, I have my students do a final project.  The project is due in chunks throughout the semester, and (most of) my students turned in the first section today.

I don't think that I ask a lot in terms of using proper English and grammar.  Is it too much to conjugate verbs and figure out when to use "their" as opposed to "there"?  In no way do I want to blame this on English teachers--I'm sure they all do their jobs very well.  If there's any blame to go around, I have to point my fingers at my students.  When the only thing they enjoy reading is misspelled, abbreviated text messages, it's trouble.

I guess I just get frustrated reading papers that are dramatically bad.  C'mon, people!  Find something to read in your free time!  I promise, the more you read, the better you'll get at writing!

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