Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Making Videos With Vimeo

Untitled from DrOldman on Vimeo.

Making videos doesn't have to hard--you don't even have to have videos to do.  The video above this post was done using Vimeo.  My colleague took photos I had shot at a football game, added music and a voiceover and...ta-da!

I don't have a Vimeo account, but I do have an account with another similar service, Animoto.  My district's instructional technology department turned me onto to this site.  If you sign up for the free version, you can only make 30 second videos, but hey, it's fun!

I haven't had my students use either one of these web sites in class.  In fact, I believe Vimeo is blocked in our district.  I may have my students try Animoto, but there's that pesky matter about requiring an e-mail address.  Using a site that requires e-mail addresses to sign in often seems to more trouble than it's worth when 25 students are all trying to log in at the same time (but maybe that's just me).

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