Monday, September 12, 2011

Taste Test

Tomorrow I'm doing one of my favorite activities in class--the taste test.

Background:  we're covering the seven functions of marketing, and the first function is Marketing Information Management.   Part of this function is surveys and taste tests, and my students don't have a good idea of what a taste test is.  I guess they weren't around for those old "we've switched Mrs. Johnson's brand of coffee, let's see if she notices" commercials.

One reason I like this is that my students are so surprised that I'm actually bringing things in for them to drink.  Gosh, am I really that strict?!

New for this year:  instead of doing Coke vs. Pepsi vs. store brand, I'm going to try this with clear sodas, like Sierra Mist, 7 UP and Sprite.  Let's see if they can tell the difference amongst those three!

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