Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Another Year Done

From: d118.org

After saying goodbye to the seniors, it's time to say goodbye to the rest of the 2010-2011 school year. Thoughts:

*This year was much more taxing than expected. I knew that the previous year would be back-breaking--I wasn't expecting this one to be like that. The primary culprit was piloting two new curricula, Sports & Entertainment Marketing I & II.

*Pilots are tough. I was asked last year to pilot the aforementioned curricula. I should have picked one course or the other to do, not both. Teaching two pilots made me feel like a first-year teacher all over again. The scrambling on a near-daily basis to get through the day.

*School Improvement Teams need a Truth-in-Advertising rule. It seems like many faculty members expect the SIT to wave a magic wand and make everything in the school perfect. Depending on the school and the principal, SIT can be all-powerful or all-toothless. Our SIT is more like the latter. I guess that's my fault since I was chair the last two years.

*The surplus formula is a mystery. Unfortunately, our school was cutting positions again. I know that some districts follow the last in-first out theory, and businesses like to lop off the top earners. But our school system always surprises me with who they let go. Some years, it's people with 25+ years of service; this year, it's anyone with 14-42 years. What a range!

For the summer: a time to relax. No classes to take, no classes to teach. After the last two years, I definitely need some downtime.

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