Sunday, June 5, 2011

Seeing Red


It's testing season, and a lot of people (students, teachers, parents, administrators, etc.) have lots of gripes about it. Other than wishing we could test two subjects per day, I'm not too upset about them, although blocking out four hours for a student to take a test is beyond ridiculous--no student should ever need to take an exam that lasts four hours, especially at the high school level.

Oh, and I guess I have one gripe after all: exemptions. When I was in school, you had to make an A for all four quarters in order to be exempt from an exam. My county, however, has lowered the bar so much that almost any senior can be exempt from an exam. A C in a class? No problem--you didn't miss any days this quarter! Really?!

I wouldn't have a problem with exemptions if they didn't affect my classes so much. Because students can't exempt from CTE tests, they will refuse to sign up for them, all because they don't want to come in for one to take a test.

So it makes me extremely angry when I have a senior who has exempted out of every exam (except mine)bubble the answers to the first 60 questions before ever opening the booklet. And he's an honor graduate. I e-mailed his mother to complain...not that it makes a difference at this point.

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