Sunday, June 19, 2011



Just like the rest of America, I'm a sucker for redemption stories. It was great to see Rory McIlroy get over his performance at the Masters in record fashion, smashing the competition at this week's US Open.

There are too many students that give up on an assignment, a class or school altogether once they encounter some obstacles. It's a sad story, but repeated often. A situation that happens less often, but is even harder to understand, is where students start their high school careers on track, but then encounter a bump midway through that bumps them off-course. I had a student living that scenario this year--when I had her as a freshman, she seemed fine and was passing all of her classes. Two years later, she's crashing and burning through a repeat of tenth grade. Why?

After flaming out at the Masters, McIlroy could have easily slid into a tailspin, letting his negative experience cloud his future opportunities. Instead, he went out and dominated the next major event he went to. Can our students shake off bad experiences and have similar success. Why not?

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